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Discover Articulation Challenge

What do you think of when you think of art?

Do you see the Mona Lisa? Or maybe a painting by Van Gogh? But do you think of your favourite album cover or a film poster? What about that interesting building you walk past every day or that mural to your football team? The Discover Articulation Challenge invites students to talk about a piece of art that interests them. This is an opportunity to share your thoughts and original approach to the wide world of art.  

It doesn’t have to be a traditional style painting or sculpture, you can choose anything from architecture, photographs, sculptures, film or installations to graffiti and street art! 

Prefer to be creative?  

You don’t have to use a PowerPoint presentation if that’s not your style, get creative and present your piece as a poem or spoken word piece. Or you could even create your own artwork as part of your presentation.  

As long as you tell us your opinions and demonstrate your research on your chosen piece– how you present it is up to you! 

So what is Discover Articulation Challenge and who can take part? 

The competition is for Key Stage 4 students and is closely linked to the National Gallery’s Articulation Prize for 16-19 year olds. Students submit a 2-3 minute film of themselves speaking about a piece of art, architecture or artefact of their choice. You can enter in pairs or as an individual. Judges from the University of Leeds and the National Gallery then view each film, looking at content, structure, delivery and the speaker’s original approach and unique potential. They will choose eight entrants to take part in our summer final on campus at the University of Leeds. 


Read the Discover Articulation Challenge privacy notice. 

Sign up to our Discover Articulation Mailing List

If you would like to be kept up to date on this competition, including when applications open, and register to attend any workshops available, then sign up to our Newsletter.

Teacher Handbook

View our teacher handbook for all the rules, guidelines and information you'll need to enter the Discover Articulation Challenge!

Key Dates

27th November 2024, 4:30pm - Online Information Session - come along to our online session, open to both students and teachers and find out what the Discover Articulation Challenge is all about.

22nd January 2025, 4:30pm - Articulating Art History (online) - do you want to take part but not sure where to start? Join us for this online workshop where one of our academics from the School of Fine Art, History of Art and Cultural Studies will take you through how to analyse a piece of art.

3rd February - 19th March 2025- The competition is open for submissions! Put the dates in your diary now so you don't miss the chance to enter.

April 2025 - Finalists announced - we'll be announcing the finalists for the competition after Easter

14th May 2025- Workshop for finalists - all the finalists will be invited to an online workshop to help them feel confident in presenting in front of a live audience ready for the final.

11th June 2025 - Campus Final - the final will be held at the University of Leeds campus.

Teacher Resources

Resources and guidance for teachers wanting to get involved in the Discover Articulation Competition.

Online Teacher Session (November 2024)

Teachers were invited to come along to this session, find out about the competition and receive top tips & guidance on how to get their students involved.

You can find a PDF copy of the presentation here.

Articulation Starter Activity

Dr Rebecca Starr (lecturer in History of Art at the University of Leeds), has put together a short activity for teachers to use when introducing students to the Articulation Challenge.

You can download the interactive powerpoint presentation.


Our Top Tips

Top Tips for students when filming and editing their Articulation Challenge Submission.

A Teacher's Perspective

Paul McGinty, Art and Design Subject Lead at Abbey Grange Academy, Leeds, talks about how the Discover Articulation Challenge has benefitted his students.

Winners & Runner up of Discover Articulation Challenge 2023/24

The Discover Articulation Challenge Final took place on Wednesday 12th June. See below the presentations of the winning candidates!

Runner up of Articulation 2024 - Cape Cod Morning by Edward Hopper

Winner of Presentation Skills 2024 - The Reserve of Dead Swiss by Christian Boltanski

Winner of Research Skills 2024 - 'Supper at Emmaus’ by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio